
  1. Clone the project

  2. Adjust the workspace/Dockerfile based on CUDA Toolkit Version:

    • Change the CUDA version of the base image to your CUDA Toolkit Version.

        FROM nvidia/cuda:{YOUR-CUDA-TOOLKIT-VERSION}-base-ubuntu22.04 as base    
        (other settings...)

    See more official CUDA docker images here to find valid CUDA version images.

  3. Start up the project

     $ docker compose up --build -d

    This might take a few minutes.

  4. Connect to the docker container.

  5. Adjust Pytorch source in workspace/pyproject.toml.

     torch={version="2.1.2+cu121", source="torch"} # Edit here
     name = "torch"
     url = "" # Edit here
     priority = "supplemental"

    After editting the config, run:

     $ poetry lock --no-update
     $ poetry install --no-root --sync
  6. Run command below to check if the installation is successful.

    1. In the container, open terminal-1 and run:

       # Print out GPU information every 3 seconds
       $ nvidia-smi -l 3
    2. In the terminal-2, run:

       $ cd project_name
       $ poetry run python

    You should see the process in the terminal-1 and gpu GPU-Util more than 0%.