Customized to New Project

  1. Configure Project .env.

  2. Configure .devcontainer/devcontainer.json, marked as TODO part.

  3. Rename folder workspace/project_name to workspace/YOUR-OWN-PROJECT-NAME.

  4. If you have a in the new project, customize it to your need.

  5. If you want to lanch documentation server, make sure to:

    1. Edit workspace/docs/ to customize workspace/docs/ to your new project.

      You can hide the pages that you don’t need, through edit frontmatter in *.md files:

       layout: default
       title: Getting Started
       nav_order: 2
       has_children: True
       usetocbot: true
       nav_exclude: true # Add this line to hide the page
    2. Edit workspace/docs/_config.yml, marked as TODO part. Especially, when you want the docs to be development throught github pages, you need to edit baseurl.

       # TODO: Add your repository name here and select corresponding way to link it 
       # From
       # on `local jekyll server`, set like this: 
       baseurl: ""
       url: "https://localhost"
       # TO
       # on `gh-pages`, set like this:
       baseurl: "python-poetry-wsl2-ubuntu-gpu-docker-template"  # YOUR REPOSITORY NAME

Please check more details in editing this documentation that shows how to manage these pages and customize it for your project.