How to debug the docs website in local?

Build local jekyll server image

  1. Uncomment the following lines in docker-compose.yml to build a local jekyll server image:

             container_name: "jekyll-${PROJECT_NAME}"
             build: ./${ROOT_DIR}/docs
             - ./${ROOT_DIR}/docs:/site
             - '4000:4000'
  2. Make sure workspace/docs/_config.yml’s key baseurl is set to "".

     # on `local jekyll server`, set like this: 
     baseurl: ""
     url: "https://localhost"
  3. Run command below to build the local jekyll server image:

     $ docker-compose up --build -d
  4. You know can see the docs website on http://localhost:4000


  1. Support hot-reload:

    After edit and save the markdown file in workspace/docs/, jekyll will rebuild the website automatically.

  2. Once you edit _config.yml, you might need to RESTART the local jekyll server container to see the changes.