Customizing Jekyll Blog Server Components

Jekyll is a simple and static blog server that allows for extensive customization. To replace the original files with your custom components, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the docs directory.
  2. Adhere to the structure of the original project.
  3. Focus on modifying files that have the _custom suffix first.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively customize the Jekyll blog server to meet your specific requirements.


Customize site-footer

  1. Toggle elements with F12 key.
  2. Find it is “site-footer”
  3. Looking for custom_footer in _config.yml or looking for Source Code in docs/_includes/nav_footer_custom.html

Customize title

  1. Toggle elements with F12 key.
  2. Find it is “title”
  3. Looking for title in _config.yml or looking for Source Code in docs/_includes/title.html
  4. Found it in _config.yml and edit it:

      title: Python Poetry WSL2-Ubuntu-GPU Docker Template
      description: ...
  5. However, it’s looks like:

  6. Searching in Source Code and add title.html to docs/_includes/ to customize it.

Please see more details in official documentations.