Featured projects I was/am involved in.
Robot Remote Control System
Robotics remote-control system using gRPC, with a Flask server and an Android app as client.
Asynchronously Embedding Psychological Test Questions into Human–Robot Conversations for User Profiling
A conceptual validation of the potential use of psychological questionnaires in everyday settings, utilizing the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI) to examine the feasibility of asynchronous administration by a robot.
Attempt to Implement Psychological Assessments into Human-Robot Interaction.
Using robot to capture human althentic behaviors, and bringing psychological experiments into real-world interaction.
Template: Flutter Docker
Flutter project template which able to quickly create a Flutter Web App environment through docker and develop with VSCode.
Template: Python Poetry WSL2-Ubuntu-GPU Docker
Docker-based Python development template using Poetry and GPU support for PyTorch, compatible with Windows WSL2 and Ubuntu. Includes Jekyll for GitHub Pages documentation.
VScode Theme: Tarek Dark
The VScode theme which supports semantic highlighting in Python. Could be installed through VScode Extension section.